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Shri Ramachandra born in Ayodhya during the Treta Yuga

Rama Navami is predominantly a Hindu festival

Vedic scriptures affirm that Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu manifested as the beloved incarnation

Ram Navami in 2024


Rama Navami is predominantly a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of Lord Rama.


The day is observed on the ninth day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra (Hindu calendar). As per the Gregorian calendar, the day usually falls between the months of March and April. Rama Navami in 2024 falls on the 17th of AprilWednesday.

Jai Sri Ram

Rama Katha recitals, taking out a procession dedicated to Lord Rama, offering prayers in temples and at homes are some of the major customs that are followed on this day.

Janki ram

What is Ram Navami?

Ram Navami is a Hindu festival commemorating the appearance of Shri Ramachandra in Ayodhya during the Treta Yuga. Vedic scriptures affirm that Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu manifested as the beloved incarnation known as Ramachandra, engaging in diverse pastimes that exemplified culture, heroism, principles, morality, good governance, humility, and renunciation. 

Seeta Ram

Throughout India's ancient scriptures, it's emphasised that the Lord Vishnu descends in various incarnations to draw devotees and vanquish the wicked. His activities, known as Lila (pastimes), are revered, celebrated, and contemplated upon by his beloved devotees. Lord Vishnu's Rama incarnation, or Avatar, is characterised by such divine pastimes to spread his teachings across the country. 

Ram Ram Jai Ram Ram

Ram Navami marks the appearance of Lord Rama in both his human and divine forms, celebrated with profound reverence and festivities across India, particularly in the sacred city of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, which is the birthplace of Lord Ram. Preceding Ram Navami, Hindus observe a nine-day fast during Chaitra Navaratri, abstaining from alcohol, smoking, and consuming sattvic vegetarian food while engaging in prayer and meditation for detoxification of the body. On the ninth and final day, Ayodhya and other cities across India adorn themselves like a radiant bride, immersed in prayer and festivity. Ram Navami honours every aspect of Lord Rama's life. 


History Behind Rama Navami

As per Hindu mythology, it's widely believed that Lord Rama was born on this day in Ayodhya. Some other devotees believe that Lord Rama was a reincarnation of Vishnu who descended to Ayodhya from heaven as a new born baby on this day.

Jai Jai Ram

How is Rama Navami Celebrated


Bhajans and kirtans are organised at devotees' homes or religious sites that are dedicated to Lord Rama. People usually visit temples to seek blessings on this day. In places like Ayodhya, processions are taken out with miniature statues of Rama placed on a cradle.

Most temples organise "Havana"—a ritual concerning fire that aims to purify the mind, body, and soul. Priests distribute sweets and fruits to the devotees in the form of "prasad". Generally, devotees observe fasting for the entire day until midnight. The fast is usually broken by consuming sweets and fruits.

Ramlila—a theatrical portrayal of Lord Rama defeating Ravana is performed in many parts of the country. The play is usually performed on an open-air stage.

Though the festival is observed across the country, the major celebrations take place at Ayodhya, Bhadrachalam, Rameswaram, and Sitamarhi. Other than Lord Rama, deities of Sita, Laxman, and Hanuman are also worshipped on this day.